Week 1: July 22nd-26th
@ SHIFT Facility 145 Iber Road
9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
2.5 Hours on Ice Per day
12 Goalies
Week 2: Aug 5th-9th
Week 3: Aug 19th-23rd
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Elite goaltenders are part of the highest skill level at their age. These goalies need extensive coaching that are much more advanced and require high levels of skill to execute.Once a goaltender is at an ELITE level they must continue to grow off the ice. NHL Pro reads in video sessions, Extra work physically in the gym with goalie specific training. This camp will provide those extra steps with goalie coaches at each net and a Head goaltender coach for extra coaching. ELITE SHIFT goaltending is for goaltenders elevating into AA, AAA and Junior levels.
● HEAD INSTRUCTOR + Goalie coach at every net
● 1⁄3 Goalies Per NET
● 2 Hrs per day of On-ice game situations with shots
● 30 min a day of mobility and puck handling
● Real time video analysis
● 30 min of classroom (NHL Pro Reads)
● 1 hr of Specific Goaltender training in SHIFT Gym
● VR Training, Ping Pong, Team Building, Golf